
Donations. To become a contributing member, you can give a donation of your choice using PayPalFundly, or a check payable to Small House Society, PO Box 2717, Iowa City, IA 52244-2717.

Why Membership Matters. Your membership, support, and participation in the Small House Society is vital. As membership continues to grow, the Small House Society is able to more effectively join with other organizations to promote small living and lobby against legislation that would hinder the small house movement.

Free Membership. Membership in the Small House Society is free. We consider a “member” as anyone who has signed up for our Facebook Page, Yahoo Group, Newsletter, Twitter Feed, or other social network we manage. We recognize that most people have a preferred means of connecting with organizations. So, this is why we offer multiple channels of engagement and involvement.

Paid Membership. Those who choose to make a donation to our organization become paying members. Our organization is internally funded, so we don’t need donations to stay afloat. Yet, financial contributions definitely help us have a greater impact. It’s also a way to demonstrate greater commitment on the part of our members. In this way, paying members help our organization carry more weight when advocating for the small house movement. When you contribute financially to our work, your name will be listed in our online directory of paying members.

Cost. Paid membership is a suggested $10 donation per year. Your first membership payment can be sent to us at anytime. Subsequent annual membership renewal payments are due in January of each year for the coming year. Because paid membership has never been required, we found that few people were donating over the years. So, in 2012, we raised the suggested donation from $5 annually to $10 annually. For the past 10 years, the expenses and labor of the Small House Society have mostly been contributed by perpetual support from, yet member donations definitely help expand our reach and impact. So any donation is appreciated. As you’ll see by our directory of paying members, although we have thousands of supporters, only a small number give financially. So, your help is appreciated.

Effective Stewardship. In an effort to focus finances and resources on our mission, we do not send out printed donation receipts, appeal letters, laminated membership cards, tote bags, or a monthly glossy magazine filled with advertisements. Instead, we use those funds to help accomplish our work (as explained below).

Small House Society Newsletter. Signup for our free newsletter by visiting the subscription page at Yahoo Groups where you can also read past newsletters in the archives. Recent newsletters are now posted on our website. You can also subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to: